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  • Writer's pictureJeff Nelson

The Tin Can & Tight Wire

Don't laugh, it actually works. In fact, you may be able to talk to someone over 100 feet away. It's fascinating how talking to someone through a tin can is so amazing. While you speak they raise the can to their ear in awed anticipation of what you are going to say. Then, the first words out of your mouth are, "can you hear me?" Yep, there you said exactly what they expected you to say, woohaw!

Many radio shows are just like a tin can and tight wire experience. You say exactly what the listener expects. However, the listener in this case happens to be the Program Director who gave you the 3 by 5 liner card. Oh, by the way, you also nailed that post. Great job, you tell yourself. Then as the weeks, months and in some cases years go by. You begin to wonder why you haven't been considered for newly opened day-parts. You're still rocking weekend overnights. Why?

Broadcasters on music driven stations are referred to as "Air-Personalities" not

"Air-Marionettes." Your PD's primary goal is to maximize his AQH, promote the clients product and keep the music moving forward. Your job is to do the exact same thing but, while using that amazing God given personality. Your personality shines when you're in your comfort zone, when you know what's happening and when you are prepared for a hot mic.

It's called "Show Prep." When you prep, your personality has a better pathway to creative communication. You figure out how to say more with less words. Your content becomes more compelling. Your PD nods his or her head, maybe (just maybe) cracks a smile, though you may never know. But most important, while you speak, the listener raises a can to their ear in awed anticipation of what you are going to say.

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